Country Antiques

Auckland, New Zealand

Country Antiques is an antiques shop in the Auckland, New Zealand suburb of Epsom.  It would be of interest to anyone looking for interesting European and country items.  They are also sometimes open between 11 & 4 on Sundays.

What’s Inside:

Country Antiques carry country antique furniture, kitchenware, French antique ceramics and pottery, glass, advertising, vintage trunks and suitcases, toys that are good for decorating, prints, and much more.  

Location Tips:

Country Antiques is located on Manukau Rd near the intersection with Greenlane Rd in Epsom.  There are several other good antique and collectibles shops in the same set of shops.

Nearby Shops:

Antiques of Epsom, Art & Industry, London Antique Shop and Yvonne Sanders Antiques.

Payment options: Cash, credit, debit, EFT-POS.


Parking is fairly easy to find on the street during most of the shops hours, but Manukau Road can be very busy and there are parking restrictions on Manukau Road during the morning and evening weekday rush hours.

Last Visited:   June 2017

Country Antiques - Auckland, New Zealand





489 Manukau Road



New Zealand


Mon                      1:00-5:00

Tues-Fri  10:00 - 5:00

Sat      11:00 - 4:00

Tel:  09 630 5252


[email protected]
